Saturday, December 10, 2011

Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place, The Hidden Gallery (Book 2) By Mayrose Wood

I don't usually review two books in a series back to back, but I am desperately trying to meet my goal of reading 50 books this year.   It's going to be close!!

I think I might have even enjoyed this second book more than the first.  Because I knew what I was getting into in regards to the pace and length of the book, I was better prepared.

Penelope is just as charming and clever as she was before, and this book picks up right where The Mysterious Howling left off.  However book two doesn't really answer any of the questions that you have after finishing book one.  So you have to keep reading, BUT number three isn't out yet!!!  I was not aware of this fact, or I might not have rushed out to read number two.

All of that aside, I am dying for someone else to read this and let me know if you think they are as great as I do.

Here are some quotes to entice you:

"Oh, my head! Bring me a cold compress, please, I am quite at my wit's end--and some tea--and a chocolate, quick!  Make it a whole box!" (This is Lady Constance, who is hilarious in her ridiculousness.)

"Therefore, she now proceeded to do something quite rare and brave--something you yourself may find it necessary to do someday, if you have not already had case to try it out.  In short she stood up to a person of authority..."

"The London General Post Office as so impressive that Penelope could hardly imagine how Buckingham Palace might surpass it."

"But many forces shape a person's destiny, Penelope," she added.  "And a prophesy made before you were born cannot take into account the greatest influence of all."
"Which is what?"
"You.  Your own character.  The kind of person you choose to be--and that you inspire others to be."
I can't explain why this touched me.  The idea that we are more powerful that we know and that we can have that kind of powerful influence is so inspiring.

"Instead, just as one might use a ribbon to hold one's place in a fascinating book that one is temporarily forced to put down, Penelope simply made a note of her confused and disappointed feelings and then put them gently to the side, for there was nothing to be done about them at present."

The characters are good, the story is good and the writing is good.  Trifecta.


Bethany said...

I'm sold (just based on your reviews), have books 1 & 2 on hold for me at the library, and will let you know what I think when I get through them. Thanks for the recommendations -- I'm looking forward to them!

Sharlene, Mom, Grammy said...

Great review, Kammy. I love it when you really like the book you are reviewing. :)

Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said...

I'm putting them on hold as we speak.

Bethany said...

Finished them both and can't wait for the third -- I have to know the connection between Penelope and the Incorrigibles!

From page one I could hear the Snicket-esque voice and loved it. I felt it was well narrated, the nice characters are really nice, the ridiculous characters are really ridiculous, and there are many scenes that are quite hilarious.

Thanks for the recommendation!

p.s. I love the author's creation and use of "optoomuchism" -- so clever!