I really liked this book. (Thanks Betsy for the recommendation and the loan!) I haven't seen the movie yet, but reading the book makes me want to now.
It took me a few pages to get into the book. I'm not usually a fan of fairytales and fantasy beyond children's books, so the whole Ogres, gnomes, fairies, giants talk was a little off-putting at first. But like a good book, once the story developed, I was hooked.
I think that the take on the Cinderella story was good. Original, but it kept enough similarities to make it clever. It's a sweet romantic story, with a spunky Ella. I think she was a fun character, pretty original in that she wanted to be funny, and was strong-willed about her curse.
I also liked the way the curse was resolved. In case the book is different than the movie, or in case I'm not the only one who hasn't seen it, I won't go into detail. But I liked that Ella was a strong character without feeling like feminism was being thrust out a as a central theme.
I also liked the way the curse was resolved. In case the book is different than the movie, or in case I'm not the only one who hasn't seen it, I won't go into detail. But I liked that Ella was a strong character without feeling like feminism was being thrust out a as a central theme.
This is a fun young adult story. Probably even intermediate. I don't think my boys would read it, but I think it would be age appropriate for them.
Was it this movie that made the name Ella so popular a few years later?
So, Kammy, have you seen the movie yet? I enjoyed the book so much more, but the movie is pretty fun. I would love to hear what you thought.
So, I did get the movie and watch it Friday afternoon. My trip to Blockbuster lead me to sign up on Netflix. Honestly.
I did enjoy the movie. It might be the first time I've seen Anne Hathaway and I think she did a good job, not annoying like I thought she might be.
I was sad that they left out some of my favorite scenes from the book, but I understand. I just loved her relationship with Char in the book. I loved that he was there for her when she came out of the weeping willow. Also Mandy's part was so diminished, and the book lost a lot of it's charm.
I do recommend the movie and I thought it was well done. Fun show for older kids too. Not in my top 10, but fine.
I meant the "magic fairy book" lost it's charm.
hey kam,
i ended up watching that movie one weekend when it was one of the few movies my roommate had in her collection, but i actually thought it was cute. i agree w/you on the anne hathaway bit. you guys have made me want to read the book too.
I saw the first preview for the movie in the hospital just hours after my Ella was born and was totally bummed about the name. I've wanted an Ella since I was 12 an dnow this! Oh well. Anyway, I saw the movie first and really enjoyed it, but then read the book and loved it! They are so different (Hollywood always has to add a political twist) that I kind of have to think of them as different, but similar, stories. We own the movie and my Ella really likes it- especially the "Somebody to Love" scene! I think it's a fun, clever, witty story.
(Anne Hathaway also plays Elder Groberg's girlfriend/wife in The Other Side of Heaven- have you seen that? It's a pretty small role, but I think I've always like her more because of that.)
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