I enjoyed reading this book! I recommend it if you are looking for something light and fast.
I think this book is pretty predictable, but it was still fun to read. I couldn't put it down once I started, and it is short.
I'm not the hugest Austen buff, but I've read enough and seen enough movies to follow along. I need to watch that BBC version of Pride and Prejudice, so I can really be cool. Reading this you feel like it was written by someone you know. That's how I felt. It almost seemed like she could have said, I had this funny idea the other day....But it was a creative frame for a romantic comedy.
I think the type of place was believable considering the disposable income and fantasys of certain middle aged women. Plus SO many people are obsessed with Jane Austen.
I love that the great-aunt gave her the trip, and the whole opening scene with her mom and aunt was a great nod to Austen, Forester, all those British authors.
Some lines I liked:
"Like drinking a cold glass of water after too much sugary punch."
"He was so cute and funny and so-not-Mr. Darcy....and so-not-typical-Jane."
BUT the best one was,
"Why was the judgement of the disapproving so valuable?"
hey kam,
sorry my internet has been down, hate that have been going through withdrawals! so funny, when i started reading your summary, thought that sounds familiar then realized i had started this book but never finished, maybe it's time to give it another go. as for the pbs pride and prej., i know some people will hate me for this comment, but actually liked the 2 hr. version better, it just moved a little bit faster and felt more of a "chemistry", although collin firth was definitely the best for that role.
I'm glad to read a positive review of this book- I was starting to think I was just too immature or something. It seems that everyone thinks it's too silly and predictable. I loved it! Predictable, yes, but so is Jane Austen herself and I love her books! I thought it was a fun story and a fun, quick read. You need to watch the 6hr Collin Firth versions- it's just the best. I wish you lived closer because I own it and we could watch it together! Maybe at the next family reunion. . . :)
Kammy, I loved reading this book too!
Yes, this is a great book. I think my favorite part was that she began each chapter with a story of an ex-boyfriend. Hilarious. I absolutely LOVE the BBC version of Pride & Prejudice which I think made reading this book even more fun. Wish you lived here so you could come over and watch it!
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