Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

I'm going to assume I'm the last person on the planet to read these books. I've always thought I would get around to them, but when I heard the movie this summer was going to be PG and I could take my boys, I decided it was the perfect time! (I haven't seen the movies yet either.)

So, I liked and would recommend this book. It is filled with action and adventure. I like the voice and style that J.K. Rowlings writes in, I was a little nervous about that. But I love that after spending years being under appreciated and mistreated, that Harry finds out he is a hero, and had loving, courageous parents.

Also, I love the type and spacing that is used. The very helpful last page told me it is 12 point Adobe Garamond, I hope they are all the same.

I was a little annoyed that some things weren't resolved, like how did Malfoy get out of the forest? Stuff like that bugs me.

I loved when Dumbledore tells Harry to "use the proper name." That they both felt the same way about it.

And finally, this fantastic explanation, "..to have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever." Beautiful.

I can't wait to continue the story!


Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said...

Welcome to Harry Potter. I love them-probably way more than an adult woman should. Poor Riley, they were the first real books she read and so far nothing has compared.

Lori said...

Late to the party here too...I only started reading them about a year ago (I figured once Emma and Ben started I should join in). I think the whole series is great, some more great than others though. Are you going to continue straight through?

Hayley's Comment said...

I am glad you are finally reading them. They are wonderful stories, but do get much darker as they continue.

Sharlene, Mom, Grammy said...

I think we're the only two people on the planet earth who have not read any of the Harry Potter books. Nice review you gave. We should probably join the real world of readers. Our grandchildren are avid readers of Harry Potter.