I was thrilled to discover that Lisa Lutz had written not one, but TWO more books about the Spellmans. I finished up the second one this weekend and was not disappointed. I'm not going to go into detail, because if you haven't read the first one it won't matter much.
I think this was just as good as the first one. I did actually figure out more of the mysteries, but they were still creative and suspenseful. Mostly I enjoy these books because they are funny, entertaining, and the characters are likable and well-developed. David plays a smaller role in this one, and there are some sad events.
One line I particularly liked,
"After my teeth cleaning and reminder of my all-around mediocrity, I needed a stiff drink."
I don't drink, but I could substitute "a stiff drink" with a fattening treat. Needless to say, I can relate.
Also the on going theme of the ex-Olympians cracked me up.
This time the book jacket describes Izzy as "part Bridget Jones, part Columbo."
I enjoyed this book, I recommend it (again, note that there is some interspersed swearing), and I'm equally stoked to read #3!